This is an interesting story from my neck of the woods (Brooklyn, NY) – According to the Brooklyn Paper, a “cat-loving Cobble Hill man whose valiant effort to save a lost feline last year was misinterpreted as the rantings of a crazy person has sued the hospital that medicated him in a way ‘normally reserved for violent psychiatric patients.’ ” Chris Muth, who the paper says is also known as “the cat man,” was trying to rescue a cat who got stuck behind a wall. In order to do so, he went into an unoccupied apartment and somehow, the authorities showed up and didn’t believe his story. “They thought that the frantic man was going through a psychotic episode, and hauled him to LICH” (Long Island College Hospital). The nurse on duty “administered a shot of Haldol, a powerful anti-psychotic drug, court papers allege.” The Brooklyn Paper says, however, that Muth was “eventually proven to be sane” and the cat, Rumi, was rescued by animal control.

Chris and Rumi (from the Brooklyn Paper)
Wonderful story and I’m so glad Rumi is SAFE. Always listen to cat people! They have integrity. (PS Wonder if Chris is single! 😉 )
What a fabulous man! I hope he sues their asses good and wins! What a sad story, yet heartwarming they are both free and safe.