Like millions of other people, I recently saw the movie Avatar. My favorite part? I loved how the Navi could bond with the animals so closely that the two practically became one. They bonded physically and mentally.
I’ve written before on this site about how close I am with Thurston – my neurotic, OCD, tubby, but extremely loving and adorable tabby cat. I’ve mentioned how he likes to rest his head on my face when he thinks I’m asleep, to sit on my lap while I drink coffee, and to generally snuggle up and get extremely, extremely close.
Thurston (who in the past has licked all the fur off his belly) seems to have developed a case of feline acne (aka “catne“) on his chin – he’s going to the vet this weekend to get it checked out. In the meantime, guess what’s happened to me? I am breaking out on MY chin in sympathy with Thurston. Sigh. Hopefully this will clear up soon, for both of us!