I purred with delight when I saw this commercial for the first time today featuring a “six-toed cat cam!” I immediately thought the cat must be a reference to author Ernest Hemingway, a famous resident of the Florida Keys (and one of the most well-know ailurophiles) who owned a six-toed cat. My suspicion was confirmed by this website about the ad campaign, which states “the copper-colored feline is a direct descendant of the six-toed cats once owned by world-renowned author and former Key West resident Ernest Hemingway.” In fact, Key West is the location of the Hemingway Home, where over 60 cats still live.
Author Archives: janine
Roberto and Neron
This is Roberto and his favorite buddy, Neron. Roberto’s significant other, Norma, says, “Roberto likes the bad characters of movies and TV series (Darth Vader and Bond Villains mostly). He always says that the villains are more fun and the villains have intentionally aggressive looking pets, especially a lazy cat. So he’s always making jokes about it and when he’s playing with his cat he says that he’s machinating his next cruel intentions.” She adds of course that Roberto is actually a very nice guy and could never be a villain! You don’t have to tell me, I can tell from these photos of this cat-loving man that he’s one of the good ones.
Bookstore cat in NY needs a home
According to Gothamist, the long-time store cat from Manhattan’s Skyline Books needs a new home, as they are is closing up shop at the end of this month (after being in business for about 20 years) and the owner has other pets at home that she believes won’t get along with the eight year-old bookstore cat, Linda. Update: The owner of Skyline says he’s taking the cat home with him. Unfortunately, I also must report that my favorite Brooklyn bookstore with a cat, Bookcourt, no longer has their resident store cat around. He developed some behavioral issues and it was decided he’d be happiest in a home and not a store. Oh well, they must do what’s best for the cat and their customers!
When kitty goes potty
This article in the Wall Street Journal delves into the hot topic debate: To toilet train or not toilet train your cat?
This method is not for our household, since the author says “A contraption that fits in the toilet will likely mean giving up one of your bathrooms while kitty is being trained.” Uh, in my case, that would mean giving up my ONLY bathroom, and while I do love my cats, I’m not ready to stand in line for the bathroom behind them, or give my toilet over to them completely. Then what would I use – a litterbox?!
Have any menandcats.com readers tried to toilet train their cats?
Charley, no!

Doesn't he look like he's about to cause trouble?
If I had a dollar for every time I uttered “Charley, no!” or some variant (“Charley, stop it!”, “Charley, get out of there!” “CHARLEY!!!!!!”) I’d be a wealthy woman.
At 10 years old, our resident tuxedo cat shows no sign of slowing down.