This week’s Cat-Loving Man of the Week award goes to paramedic Lee Rayburn. He helped save the life of a cat who was trapped in a burning home in Knoxville. Rayburn and other paramedics gave oxygen to a cat named Zoey – she survived, although there was so much smoke that her white fur turned grey. Zoey is currently at an animal clinic and is in an incubator after receiving anti-inflammatory drugs and oxygen therapy.
Lee Rayburn, we salute you and your colleagues for going the extra mile for a cat in need.
Author Archives: janine
Sean and Kumi update
Back in January, featured Sean with his brand-new kitties, Kumi and Aiko. Look at this latest picture of Sean with Kumi – check out how big the little kitty is now at 7 months old! Sean’s girlfriend/Kumi and Aiko’s cat-mom, Mikka, reports: “Kumi is madly in love with Sean – they’re inseparable and she follows him everywhere.”

Update on Julie the Cat
The other day, posted about Julie, a Brooklyn kitty who needed a new home. Well, I am happy to report that Julie has been adopted!. Congrats to Julie and her new animal managers, John and Nicole. Headbutts and purrs to everyone!
Konrad and Marlon has totally got a thing for orange tabby cats. Oh, how I love them. If I didn’t already have the belly-licking tiger tabby and his brother, the black-and-white menace (who, the other day, was sitting by himself in the bathtub meowing for no apparent reason) I would adopt an orange tabby ASAP!
Anyhow, my lovely and talented friend Rashmi took this great photo of her friend Konrad and feline pal Marlon, although Konrad is not actually Marlon’s “animal manager” any longer. Konrad’s girlfriend (sorry, ladies!) Kim accompanied a friend to the animal shelter recently, where Kim saw Marlon and fell in love (how could she not!?) Even though Kim and Konrad already had a cat, Ingmar, she couldn’t resist bringing Marlon home. Konrad became really attached to Marlon. But alas, Ingmar was none too pleased. He stopped eating and became frail and weak. So Kim and Konrad sadly gave Marlon to a friend. They miss him and hope to visit him next time they’re in Connecticut. Well, Ingmar, you win this time! There is just no arguing with a cat when he insists on getting his way.
Cat appreciates man more after rescue from being trapped inside a wall
This story is about a cat named Satan in Colorado who became trapped inside a bathroom wall. His owner, or “animal manager” as likes to say, Ernie Colvin had been looking everywhere for his feline friend but had no luck finding him. Colvin’s 9 year-old granddaughter came to visit and heard meowing, and the cat – described as “a mischievous black cat” – was eventually freed. Apparently Satan now appreciates his human more than ever. “He’s OK. He thinks I’m going to leave him,” Colvin said. “He’s a lot more mellow than he used to be.”
Here’s to a happy ending for man and his cat!