I adopted Thurston, along with his littermate Charley, shortly after they were born in December 1999. My beloved tabby has been my constant companion for 13 years. He slept right next to me every night, and as you can see from the photo above, often liked to rest his chin right on my face.
Thurston loved to fetch fake mice in his younger days, and to cuddle up close with his brother in their cat bed or any comfy piece of furniture. Just recently he had begun to accept treats and petting from my two year-old son. He was the sweetest cat ever. He literally wouldn’t hurt a fly – all bug or mouse hunting had to be performed by Charley. He was kind of neurotic, and had issues with canned food, and was very clingy. He loved people (but me most of all) and I would always refer to him as “pure love covered in fur.” He was extremely handsome.
Last night at 3 AM we were woken up by a terrible yowling. I had to take Thurston to an emergency vet where it was determined that he had suffered a blood clot and had a heart arrhythmia; he couldn’t use his hind legs and was having trouble breathing and was clearly in pain. The vet gave him a tremendous dose of pain medication, but he still cried and cried. She said this condition was very difficult to treat and it would be nearly impossible to manage Thurston’s pain, so we decided to end his suffering. I held him and told him I loved him.
Thanks to anyone who ever cat-sat, petted, or just admired Thurston from afar. He couldn’t have been more loved or pampered, and he will be dearly missed.