Cat loving men get the girls

This user-submitted update comes from Cats Protection in the UK. I am sure women (and men) in the U.S. also appreciate cat-loving men!

From Cats Protection:

We thought you would be interested to see the results of our research at UK feline charity Cats Protection. The research found that women think cat-loving men possess many qualities they find attractive when looking for love so men who want to improve their chances with the ladies should consider palling up with a feline friend to help attract a partner.

The research found that six in 10 women across the UK think men who own cats are more caring, making them more appealing as a partner. And far from being seen as wimpy, cat ownership appears to be a manly quality as just 27% of women think cat-owning men are soppy.

The research also found that:

• 48% of women think having a cat enhances human relationships
• 42% of women think men who own cats are more loving and 44% think men who own cats are kinder
• Amongst both men and women, the middle-aged (45-54 year olds) are more likely to see the benefit of cat ownership in a relationship with 50% believing a cat in the house improves relationships

Men (or women) wishing to adopt a cat can visit the charity’s website at or call the charity’s helpline on 03000 12 12 12 to find out more.

Survey says…

orangecat410Cat-loving men – Please consider taking a moment to take this online survey about human relationships with pets. See below for details. Mikel Delgado is a doctoral student in psychology at UC Berkeley. He and his co-author, Gretchen Reevy, did a study last year about how people perceive cat personality based on coat color, and only 9.5% of the respondents were male! Mikel says, “We’d like to increase that percentage for our new study.”

Participate in a study about you and your pet!

You are invited to participate in a study about people and their relationships with their pets.

Participation in this research entails taking a survey answering questions about yourself and a favorite pet. All survey respondent information will be anonymous. Your participation will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

By taking part in this research study, you may help increase our understanding of the human-pet relationship.

To participate, please visit this weblink:

If you have any questions, we can be reached at: or