This is Roberto and his favorite buddy, Neron. Roberto’s significant other, Norma, says, “Roberto likes the bad characters of movies and TV series (Darth Vader and Bond Villains mostly). He always says that the villains are more fun and the villains have intentionally aggressive looking pets, especially a lazy cat. So he’s always making jokes about it and when he’s playing with his cat he says that he’s machinating his next cruel intentions.” She adds of course that Roberto is actually a very nice guy and could never be a villain! You don’t have to tell me, I can tell from these photos of this cat-loving man that he’s one of the good ones.
Category Archives: Women Who Love Men Who Love Cats
Gaurev and Bond and Shere Khan
First off, wants to wish a special, happy holiday to Sandhya, Gaurev, Bond, and Shere Khan! By special request, here’s a timely post on this merry group.
Sandhya first adopted Bond (007) with her ex-boyfriend and the cat (not the ex) became the love of her life. After her favorite feline “licked away the tears during the break-up” Sandhya met her current boyfriend, Gaurav. She knew he was special when she heard him say to Bond one morning, “Come on, double-o, let’s go out and let Mama sleep.” This man and cat became fast friends and enjoyed napping together.

Apparently Gaurav has real cat power, because “the moment the volunteer brought the kitten out, she crawled up right into Gaurav’s lap and promptly started purring.”
Sandhya says both cats “come when called, perform tricks, and show constant affection.” Next up for this family of animal lovers? They plan to adopt a dog. I know the cats will still get plenty of love and affection as the crew grows!
Rafael and Horus
Rafael’s wife, Clarisse, sent in so many adorable photos of Rafael & Horus that I have to post more than one, so extra bonus photos are after the jump.
Rafael and Clarisse already had 2 cats when they rescued Horus, a kitten who just turned 7 months old. Horus was found alone, starving, and with an eye infection. Although the other cats didn’t immediately fall in love with Horus, Rafael did. Rafael had to feed the kitten and give him medicine around the clock – even taking a day off work and sleeping next to the kitten and feeding him every half hour. Finally, Horus got better (in time for Rafael’s birthday, no less!)
Clarisse reports, “Since then, Rafael is Horus’ ‘mother’ as you can see in the pictures. Rafael even created a website dedicated to his kitten with videos and photos :” (the website is in French, so it’s perfect for those who are both ailurophiles and Francophiles).
It’s finally here!! The calendar
I am delighted to announce that the 2010 calendar is now available for purchase from my Cafepress store. All proceeds from this calendar will benefit PUPP, so buy one for yourself AND everyone on your holiday gift list!
Featuring ALL NEW photos of men and cats that have not appeared on the website. You can preview all the pics in the Cafepress store.
What do you call a cat who cuts off your circulation?
One thing I love nearly as much as cats is wordplay – crossword puzzles, puns, neologisms, I love them all.
Last night, Thurston – all 19 or so pounds of him – sat on my legs as I had them stretched out on the sofa. After sitting this way for quite a while, I finally dislodged Thurston and got up – and found one of my legs totally asleep. I said to my husband, “My leg was asleep… Thurston totally cut off circulation to my legs.”
My husband replied, much to my delight, “A purr-niquet.”