
A reader, John, sent me a link to this blog post about the marketing of cat food – which was pretty amusing in and of itself, but also got me thinking about a long lost (to me, anyway) cat food commercial. In 1999, I spent a few months in Brussels. During this time, there was a commercial for Whiskas shown often on tv which involved some kind of pouch of moist cat food that would morph into a pair of sexy lips that said “Allo!” and made the cat go crazy. I think the commercial was in Flemish. I’ve searched high and low, YouTubed and Googled, to find a clip of this ad – which used to absolutely crack me up – to no avail. I appeal to you, dear readers – does anyone know what I’m talking about or have a clip of this catvertisement?!

2 thoughts on “Catvertising

  1. I do have vague recollections of seeing something like that on either the net or one of those “funniest commercials” shows. And I’ll be glad to testify on your behalf. 😉

  2. you were in Brussels?! Heeee! I live quite in it!!!!
    But… haa… well, I don’t recall that ad… :-s

    I tried a search on it, but have just found an ad that was “apparently” made for the cats especially, but not talking food.
    I’ll try again :-).

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