I recently stumbled across a website devoted to Freddie Mercury’s love of cats – thus making Freddie our first man in the “famous men who love cats” series.

Picture from http://www.freddie.ru/e/cats
I recently stumbled across a website devoted to Freddie Mercury’s love of cats – thus making Freddie our first man in the “famous men who love cats” series.
Picture from http://www.freddie.ru/e/cats
Wow who would have guessed that Freddie is the number 1 cat lover. Did he have more than 2?
Personally I share my home with 6 cats and 4 dogs. Everybody gets along. Really beautiful. I’m sure Freddie would love this family.
Keeping Freddie Close Every day
Freddie had like 8 cats.
freddie was hot
I would have expected Freddie’s cats to be exotic purerbreds, sphynx or manx or something. The orange one looks like a standard tabby! I love it!
I was pleasantly surprised to find out about how much Freddie loved cats! I’ve always loved him and his music, but the fact that he was a cat lover makes him even more “beautiful” in my book..
It’s true. “Delilah” was written about his favorite cat by the same name. I believe the all time high count was 10 cats at one point. God rest his caring soul!
I’ve been a cat lover all my life. And I think it is wonderful that Freddie had such a love for these animals. I’ve read that most of his cats were aquired from the Blue Cross sanctuary. So he basically adopted (rescued) them. The only purebred that I know of was Tiffany who was a long-haired blue point. Freddie, I love you!
I love Freddie and his cats. He had what, 9 of them?
I think Freddie had at least six cats (maybe more) at one point. I believe that Tiffany (the cat he’s holding on the right as you look at the picture above) was a purebred, but all his other cats were adopted from shelters. That’s Oscar on the left.
Some of the other cats he had throughout his life were Tom, Jerry, Miko, Lily, Romeo, Goliath, and of course, the famous Delilah about whom he wrote a song… “Delilah…oh my oh my oh my…you’re irresistible!” 🙂
I did know about Freddies love for cats. I love him. He is amazing and being a cat lover thats just even better. His favorite was Delilah who layed beside him on his bed when he passed away…God Bless u Freddie 😀
I love cats more than anything
and i love freddie even more than cats !
He died the year i was born ….i look at his pictures every day and listen to his music every night when i go to sleep!
I wish he was still among us…. 🙁 …
My husband may not be famous…but we have 5 cats in our rather humble little home. We absolutely love every one of them. He never thought much of cats until he met me. He brags about his ‘babies’ to all of his friends and even strangers, even showing them pictures of all of our cats 🙂 He feeds them assorted meats and fish and they are the most beautiful and healthy around. People who come to our home really get attached to them because of their unique personalities. I bet Freddie would have loved visiting us here in Ireland just for our cats. We love Queen, GREAT music, Freddie was obviously a BIG HEARTED person!